I know I'm a little late but I want to keep up as best as I can for my own scrapbooking. These are just a few pics from some of our December activities. (I still have to do Christmas pictures...hopefully soon!) Festival of the Trees.

Ezra and the Trains! Our friends Heather and Ryker invited us to see their Grandpa's trains and they were so AWESOME! Ezra had so much fun and talked about it for days! This is just the bottom half and you can see how many tracks there are! Thanks Heather!

We celebrated our 9 year anniversary on December 12th. We enjoyed a nice quiet dinner at 5 Alls!

Temple Square to see the lights...

The mall train with the kiddos (the picture is kinda crappy but it was the best one I had)

Ice skating...we had a family get together for a cousins birthday so we decided to strap some ice skates on Ezra too...it was hilarious!