Thursday, August 19, 2010

Spring brings new life!

So I think I have told almost everyone the news even though its still a little early so I thought I might as well post it on my blog! I am CRAZY for doing this again but oh well! Considering the pure HORROR I went through last time I am FRIGHTENED out of my mind but way excited at the same time! It took me 11 months and fertility drugs to get pregnant with Ezra so we were sure I wouldn't be able to get pregnant right away! We were just starting to THINK about trying again and...BAM!!! Baby #2 is due on April 12th (Im 6 1/2 weeks). So far I have just had a little nausea off and on, but haven't lost my lunch yet! Last time I got hit with the pain at 12 weeks so I am going to keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best!

Here is Ezra's response when we told him the news! As you can see he is a little frightened and shocked! He remembers last time all too well...he had the "inside" scoop! ;)

Wish me luck!!!


Hannah said...

Congrats!!! I really hope you don't get sick. I think you guys should come visit Texas some tiime soon, I'm just sayin.

Katie Corbridge said...

Fun news! Congratulations!!! That's awesome! That pic of Ezra is priceless when you told him the news! LOL! We'll all be wishing you luck and blessings that you don't get sick this time;)!

Sara Jane said...

CONGRATS! I am crossing my fingers for you as well! I love Ezra's surprise face! TOO CUTE!


yay! congrats Whit! i am sooooo excited for you! i'll keep my fingers crossed that this pregnancy goes a little better for you!

PamH said...

AH!! Congratulations and GOOD LUCK!!!

Colledge Family said...

Yay! Congrats!! I'm way excited for you! I hope it all goes well and much better than last time!!

Nick + Briana said...

CONGRATS Kyle and Whitney!!! We are so excited for you!! Glad everything is going well so far and you aren't too sick! :) Maddie misses Ezra so we need to play again!

dave&abby johnson family said...

WOW!!! I am so excited for you guys!!!!! that is awesome, good luck we'll keep our fingers crossed!! again congrats!