Ezra was born 5 weeks early on June 9th, 2009 and weighed in at a whopping 5 lbs 4 oz and was 18.5 in. long. I went in for my biweekly non stress test to monitor the baby and while I was laying there my water broke. They wheeled me down to L&D and I was dilated to a 3 and the contractions started getting worse. I had to wait a little bit for a room to be cleaned but as soon as I got to my room I was able to get my epidural right away. I slept for a few hours and when they came to check me I was complete and dilated to a 10. We had to wait for the Doctor for an hour and the NICU nurses to come. Once everyone was there I pushed for 7 minutes and Ezra was born at 6:30 pm. My water broke at around 11 am and he was born at 6:30 pm...Not too bad. The delivery was the easiest part of the whole pregnancy!
After he was born, the NICU nurses rushed him to the NICU because of my horrible pregnancy, all the drugs I was on, and his early arrival, he was very high risk for having problems. After an hour they brought him back because he had NO problems and was perfectly healthy and thriving! Right after birth he had a little bit of a fever but that was it! It was a Miracle how healthy he was!
He is 1 month old here. He has a little dimple.
Month and a half old.
I tried to take some pics of him at my moms a few weeks ago and got a few cute ones, but I recently went and got some professional ones taken that I will get back soon and will post some.
He is 2 months here.
3 weeks ago
Holy cow! Its been too long! It's so good to hear from you. You'll have to email me and tell me what you've been up to and how your experience was in the good ol' burgh! Your baby is adorable and sounds like he's a miracle. Hope all is well!
Whitney! I'm so glad I found your blog! I have been wondering how you were doing since I saw you in the hospital. Your baby is so cute and I'm glad he is so healthy! I have no complaints about my pregnancy after reading your story...scary! Congrats!!!
WHIT A WHIT!!!! He is beautiful! and you are too. K, heard about the awful pregnancy and I'm such a bad friend to not shower you with care...but I'm so excited you have a blog so I can stalk you and little ezra!
Hi Whitney! Im so glad that you found my blog and posted! Your little Ezra is adorable! It was so fun to see you at Babies R Us! After I left I thought shoot I should of gotten her number. Now that I am a stay at home mom and you are too we should take our little guys out on town! :) Well hope you guys are doing well and it was great to hear from you! :)
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