Thursday, August 20, 2009

My HORRIBLE pregnancy!

To make a really really long story short, I was super sick from 3 months on, but the wierd thing was that I had severe intermittent epigastric pain along with severe nausea and vomiting that would come in "episodes" for hours at a time then I would feel perfectly normal! I had to stop working and go on short term disability because I could not function! I spent a total of about 2 months in the hospital from 5 or 6 different stays and had to go to the ER 6 or 7 times. They took out my gallbladder WHILE I was pregnant, I had 2 EGD scopes down my throat, a HIDA scan, MRI, several ultrasounds on my organs AND the baby, TONS of bloodwork done, IV after IV, was put on SEVERAL medications including narcotics, had a PICC line(which is a long term IV line that goes to my heart) and had a feeding tube for the last 2 months of my pregnancy. I lost 20 lbs during my pregnancy then an additional 10 after. Home health would bring me IV fluids, IV meds, and tube feedings so I could manage my care at home, which they only allowed me to because im a Nurse. I learned how to start IVs on myself pretty quick, I was the Nurse AND the patient, too bad I couldn't get paid for it...ha ha! The worst part is the Doctors have NO CLUE what was wrong because all the tests came back normal! I had several GI specialists, Maternal/Fetal medicine specialists, Internal Medicine Doctors, Interns, and Residents who would come in and tell me they had no idea what was wrong. Oh and my gallbladdder was not the problem so they took it out for nothing! So because there was NO explanation for the EXCRUCIATING pain I was having, I started getting treated like a drug seeker when I would go to the ER. The pain left after I had the baby so we figured it was pregnancy related. Then three weeks ago I woke up at 3am with the SAME was back out of nowhere! I went to the ER 3 times and spent 5 days in the hospital. They did another EGD, colonoscopy(never thought I would have one of those at 27:), 2 CT scans, gastroparesis study, MRI, and more bloodwork, and still NOTHING! They sent me home with another PICC line "in case" it came back. The pain came and went the whole week and hasn't come back since. Oh and Im going in for an Endoscopic Ultrasound next week. Who knows if it will ever come back or not...its a mystery! I need Dr. House:) So thats the short version, sorry its still so long!

I know these are hideous pics but I will post a few anyway!
In the hospital with my feeding tube.
My PICC line in my arm and feeding tube hanging out of my nose.
The day I got released after 3 weeks, it was Valentines
Day and Kyle brought me a big basket of presents.
7 months pregnant, this was the last picture I got, I never
got around to 8 months, which is when I delivered.

1 comment:

Nick + Briana said...

Still can't believe all this happened to you!! :( Hopefully they get it figured out and it goes away for good soon!